The Star Fraction

Jericho Fraction

CorporationJericho FractionSecurity status2.5
AllianceThe Star FractionAvg. time in corporation4 years, 4 months, 8 days, 16 hours and 35 minutes
Date of birth 2003-05-22 14:49:00Id158634209
... and God is cunning. For one might think that the frontier is safe and clear of his intrigues and influence. One might look at the open skies and endless stars and imagine that freedom is within your grasp and hope, but then one day a group of starships will find you and announce by local communications that space belongs to an empire now and you must pay a toll and submit or be destroyed.

Then you will know the will of god is contagious and carried like a vermin-plague in the psyche of the weak and the credulous to begin the twisted stuff of hierarchy all over again in the virgin territories of possibility.

Know the truth of the struggle my friend. Resist or be godslave in the hierarchies of eternity, kneel and live in chains or rise and fight with every breath for a fleeting birthright of freedom.

Employment history

Jericho FractionJericho Fraction2017-01-27 16:242025-03-05 23:398 years, 1 month, 6 days, 7 hours and 15 minutes
The ScopeThe Scope2016-11-27 22:152017-01-27 16:241 month, 30 days, 18 hours and 9 minutes
Pandemic Horde Inc.Pandemic Horde Inc.2016-05-07 00:512016-11-27 22:156 months, 20 days, 21 hours and 24 minutes
The ScopeThe Scope2016-04-12 21:132016-05-07 00:5124 days, 3 hours and 38 minutes
Jericho FractionJericho Fraction2003-06-01 12:442016-04-12 21:1312 years, 10 months, 11 days, 8 hours and 29 minutes